Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dec. 4th Dr. Visit

Went to the Maternal Fetal Medicine office. The babies are doing great! They are both at 11.2 inches and 1 lb 2oz!! Same exact size! The heartbeats were good, as well as the fluid around them (which is what they are watching very closely). I am constantly getting kicks too. Funny and sometimes annoying when they hurt! All is well though. They are active, which the Dr. said was great! I also noticed that they were sizing at a week further than they thought I I asked them if I could be a week ahead and they said it was definitely possible. Mom and I thought I was further along!

Anyways, all is good! Enjoy the pics!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shannon! Looks like the babies are doing wonderful! I am so excited for you! It's amazing how much they grow in just a few weeks! That is so cool that they are the exact same size right now! How are you feeling?
