Thursday, April 23, 2009

Swimming = Weight Loss

So the Dr from MFM told me to swim to get the fluid out of my body...I gotta say it worked! I have lost 12 lbs since Saturday and now have ankles and feet again. My legs even look skinnier! :) yay! I went yesterday for bloodwork and had to turn in another 24 hour urine collection...which is lots of fun collecting it. The bloodwork was the easiest I have ever had!

Tomorrow I go to MFM for another checkup...which means I hope my BP stays down because last time I went to them, I was in the hospital. I think everything will be ok since I am on meds now though.

That is it for now :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009


GOOD NEWS: Went to the dr. today: babies were good
BAD NEWS: BP was high so now I am admitted to the hospital for 1-2 days, maybe delivery

GOOD NEWS: Babies are 5.3 and 4.8 lbs and both are 17 inches.
BAD NEWS: BP was high so now I am admitted to the hospital for 1-2 days, maybe delivery

GOOD NEWS: I still have my feet
BAD NEWS: They look like club feet and Jake now plays with them

GOOD NEWS: I can eat now
BAD NEWS: It only took 10 hours 'til I could eat, so now my stomach hurts!

GOOD NEWS: I still can pee
BAD NEWS: but in a cup

GOOD NEWS: I remembered to shave my legs before coming to the dr.
BAD NEWS: No one cares, they only care about poking at my edema

GOOD NEWS: Babies heartbeats were fine for the hour monitoring
BAD NEWS: I laughed so hard, they probably thought I was having a contraction during it.

GOOD NEWS: I have internet access
BAD NEWS: I am at a hospital

Hope everyone is great! Enjoy the lovely pics :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Baby Update

They are doing well. The tech was very excited about the amount of hair they have...I guess Ava has a lot! :) Heartbeats are good too.
Ava is 3lbs 11oz and 16.4 inches 144 heartbeat
Ireland is 3lbs 4oz and 15.6 inches 154 heartbeat

The docs are very happy! :) I love going and not having them freak me out! Look at the pout on Ireland! Couldn't get a good shot of Ava...her head wasn't facing the right way!! ughh