Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Results are In...

We went to the Maternal Fetal Medicine place again today and they said everything seemed fine so far...I think we will be going every 2 weeks to them from now on...we have another appointment with our regular Dr. on the 15th...

And the results are in!!!

Both are (drumroll please).....Girls!

Weighing in at 8 and 6 ounces.

As you look at the photos...you will notice two arrows pointing at Baby A and Baby B's Va-Jay-Jays....Enjoy!


  1. YAY for girls! How exciting! I cannot wait! This is just the coolest thing ever! Two girls. Poor Jake is SO out numbered! haha

  2. OH man, I can't wait to spoil the heck out of them, hahaaha!!! Have you met my sister, Jake is already outnumbered.(sorry jake)
